Guide: Add Placements For Advertising
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Last updated
IR SDK for Unity is installed into your Unity project.
Experience is created on the IR platform.
Add empty gameObject into the scene. You can call it "IR_SDK_Controller"
Add Component "iR SDK Controller"
Go to Unity menu -> LV -> Ads -> Manage Placements
The next window will open, allowing you to add your very first placement. To do this:
Click the “Add New Placement” button.
Choose Placement Type: Select the type of placement you want to create.
Set Placement Size: Specify the dimensions for the placement.
Name Your Placement: Provide a descriptive name for easy identification.
Press Create Placement
Read more about placement types, ad sizes and bets practices of how to place then into your experience here.
After you pressed "Create Placement" you will see placement GameObject added to your scene hierarchy. Place it according to the best practices.
You can also see the newly created banner in the iR SDK UI.
You may notice various statuses and warning icons in the IR SDK Ads UI. This interface is designed to display the synchronization status between your project and the IR Enterprise Platform. For detailed information about each status and its meaning, refer to the IR SDK Ad Placement Statuses article. This resource will help you understand and resolve any issues related to ad placement synchronization.
All newly created banners will initially display a grey icon status, indicating that the placement is new and has not yet been registered on the IR platform. To register the placement and make it available for advertising:
Place the Banner: Position the banner in the desired location within your experience. Ensure it is properly aligned and visually appealing for potential advertisers. Placement object settings to consider:
Scale. The default Unity Transform Scale parameter is disabled for the IR SDK banner GameObject. This restriction ensures the ad object maintains its correct aspect ratio and is properly scaled or resized. Incorrect scaling could disrupt ad serving functionality. To adjust the banner’s size, use the Scale option provided in the IR Banner Ad component instead:
Emissivity. You can apply additional visual settings for the banner to correspond more closer to the environment. This effect comes f rom the shader settings.
Take a Snapshot: Capture a snapshot of the banner in its designated location. This snapshot will serve as a visual representation of the placement on the IR Platform Explore section. To do so:
Open iR SDK UI from the Unity Menu -> LV - Ads -> Manage Placements.
Press on "photo" icon near the placement you'd like to register.
On the Snapshot UI, you have a camera which you can locate nicely to make a snapshot. You can: - rotate - Control (Option) + Left Mouse button - zoom - Control (Option) + Scroll wheel - pan - Control (Option) + Right Mouse
Press upload to upload the snapshot.
Once it is uploaded, you'll see warning icon gone and you'll see image preview instead.
Register the Placement: The final step is to register the placement within the iR Enterprise platform. This ensures the platform recognizes and associates the placement with the newly created experience.
If completed successfully, a green status will appear next to the placement in the SDK, indicating that it is properly configured. The placement will also be visible in the draft section of the IR Enterprise Monetize module for further setup and will be used to show the advertisers who may explore your experience.
Check Draft Settings: Review placement settings on the IR Enterprise platform.
Check Placement Validation: Validate placements on the IR SDK platform.